SpyParty Wiki

Build 2104 succeeded build 2092 on July 20th, 2012.

Release Notes[]

I'm particularly interested to see if this build fixes the connection issues, both the greeting and sniper accept ones, so if you have those, test them please!

  • downgrade fake signal priority and reset actions on contact
  • tune the blocking timer down on signal
  • latest valve libjingle, including pseudotcp packet size hack, maybe fix connection issues?
  • seduction at paintings
  • display potential flirt levels in bar, green if complete
  • output windows version to log
  • print number of highlights and lowlights if > 4
  • known 3 game type on ballroom
  • fix some minor mission selection bugs, switch from enabled to selected on sniper side
    • a side effect of this change is you can see cast characters in missions you have selected but not enabled, so for example, if you do Pick 3 of 4 and one of the 4 is Seduce Target, but you don't pick it, you'll still see the Target in the room...not sure how I feel about this yet
  • strikethrough unselected missions
  • record events for cast characters even if game picks them
  • fix crash bugs when inviting if in practice preview
  • make spy and normal action keys rebindable
  • better key rebinding docs in README.txt, and print_vkeys helper
  • disable menu highlights and tooltips and whatnot if in background

I don't know why I added Known 3 on Ballroom, except it was easy to do so and seemed like it might be an interesting alternative to Pick 4 of 5, probably harder because the Sniper can camp, though. Maybe impossible. I dunno.

Oh, and I also have the announcement mailing list set up, so this will be the first build I send out there too.

